Embarking on the Ocean Pool Odyssey | Linda Cash
The Ocean Pool Odyssey
Linda, from the popular blog,
A Girl and her E-Bike, and her two friends, Meg and Jeanette, embarked on an epic cycling journey along the full NSW coastline. Their mission? To explore every single ocean pool along the way. This was an adventure for the ages, with many ups and downs (much like the terrain they were cycling along!).
It all started with a social media post in October 2021 where I pondered the thought of visiting all the Ocean Rock Pools in NSW by eBike.
Ocean pools are quintessentially NSW, with only 11 ocean pools in all the other States and Territories in Australia compared to the 100+ in NSW. They also have a smaller ecological footprint than most public pools of equivalent size and are a demonstrably sustainable use of a rocky surf coast - so good for our environment.
This picture of Sawtell's Memorial Rock Pool prompted an idea amongst Sparky's bike buddies Meg & Hilary - could we ride the entire length of the NSW coast, visiting all these ocean pools along the way? The NSW coastline is 2,137km long, and we are at the very top end. Can we do this? Or are we stark raving bonkers even considering this? Thoughts 🤔
Sparky and I are up for it
My fellow cyclists and support team were on board...
- Meg Main (73) said “let’s do it”
- Jeanette Mouatt said “let’s do it”
- My darling husband said “you are crazy …but I’ll support you 😍”
And so the planning started ….
It would not just be an adventure. We would cycle to raise awareness for our charities of choice, and to promote the benefits of exercise, fun and friendship. We also hope to raise awareness as to how riding an eBike has allowed each of us to ride further and longer - a reference to both distance and age - and to promote cycling in general as a great sport for all.
The Logistics
Our 3 riders each chose a charity to support. These would share the funds raised via our
GoFundMe page, with a target of $3000.
The charities we cycled for are:
- Myeloma Australia - Jeanette lost her brother Keith to Multiple Myeloma and her life long friend Heather to Breast Cancer.
- Uki Refugee Project - borne out of a small group of concerned citizens in the Tweed Shire distressed at Australia's treatment of those seeking refuge in Australia.
- National Breast Cancer Foundation - providing Breast Cancer Research in Australia.
We would be fully self-funded and supported by a crew of two (2 vehicles and 1 caravan).
On the 6 February 2022 we set off …
The Route
We developed 42 cycling maps which included mapping 83 Ocean Rock Pools along the NSW Coast (using All Trails).
Every cycling day was recorded using Strava.
A Fundraising Challenge
We've raised $14,885 to date!
A fundraising challenge – wear an “Esther Williams” bathing cap in each pool, and a donation of $500 would be forthcoming – we did, and it was.
The Challenges
Only one puncture for the whole trip! And Jeanette “crashed out” in Seal Rocks.
Some track conditions...
A “significant weather event”: only a 1 in a1000 year flood!
But the worst was yet to come: the theft of our eBikes.
Well, some absolute lowlife has just managed to steal Sparky and Arty from the Big4 Caravan Park in Sawtell overnight 😭😭
They were locked onto the bike rack on the car, but not to be deterred, the thieves have stolen the entire back rack including our beautiful bikes 🤬🤬
1 x Giant LIV eBike 2020 Amite E+4 White
1 x Giant LIV Rove 2021 Green
Police have been notified, but please can everybody share far and wide to help recover Sparky and Arty
The Restart
We were able to get new e-bikes sourced for Linda and Meg. Flood recovery also enabled the continuation of the coastal route. We were ready for Ocean Pool Odyssey 2.0!
3 new riders would also be joining us. We restarted at Coffs Harbour on23 June 2022.
The Finish
We made it!
The Statistics
Ocean Pool Odyssey 1.0: VIC/NSW Border to Coffs Harbour
79 Ocean Rock Pools
3 eBike riders: Linda Cash, Meg Main, Jeanette Mouatt
Longest day: 107.02 km, 938m climbing
2 support crew: Phil Cash, Roger Bowden
26 days : 6 February - 3 March 2022. 1499.9 km and 13,802m climbed.
Ocean Pool Odyssey 2.0: Coffs Harbour to NSW/QLD Border
4 Ocean Rock Pools
5 eBike riders: Linda Cash, Meg Main, Hilary King, Cheryl Forrester, Melissa Pols
3 support crew: Phil Cash, Roger Bowden, Scott Pols
7 days: 23 - 29 June 2022. 409.1 km and2,351m climbed.
TOTAL : 33 days. 1,909 kms cycled.16,153m climbed. 12 Ferry Crossings.
Final Thoughts
Some Classic Quotes from our Odyssey:
"Phil is the best router" - Meg Main(hoping Meg was referring to his mapping skills)
"Only 5 more kms - and it's all flat - trust me” – Linda Cash
"Is that 5 men Linda has now picked up on this trip?" - Cheryl Forrester - referring to the wonderful guides who helped us along the way
"Is it cup of tea or wine time?" All of usno prizes for guessing what won
So many wonderful people, so many wonderful memories.Don’t dream it, just do it.
I'll finish by quoting the inimitable Meg Main: "Oh my Lordy, what an adventure"!
WOW! Were you inspired by the Ocean Pool Odyssey? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.